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wow paladin icon Mount Changes for Upper Deck TCG

Posted by Khor | 8/01/2009

Posted By Bornakk [Source]

In the upcoming content patch 3.2, Call of the Crusade, we are changing the Upper Deck Trading Card Game mounts to be Bind-on-Use instead of Bind-on-Pickup. This will allow players to sell newly redeemed TCG mounts in-game through the trade window, Auction House or via CoD. The primary goal behind this change is to help reduce the number of players who are getting scammed by trading for an invalid mount code. As part of this update, the NPC vendor functionality currently in place for these mounts will be removed, and instead the mount (both epic and non-epic when applicable), will now be immediately placed in your inventory upon the verified redemption of the code. If you have already redeemed one of these codes and have not purchased both the epic and non-epic versions from the vendor window, it's important that you do so before the patch is released.

This update will affect the Spectral Tiger, Swift Spectral Tiger, X-51 Nether-Rocket, X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME, Big Battle Bear, and Magic Rooster Egg. Items that were obtained before the patch will not be affected by this change and will continue to be soulbound to the character that purchased them.

Not that this is game breaking news, but I thought it was interesting. No more people losing their money (and sometimes lots of it) by buying these cards through ebay and the like. What was happening was that the redemption code on the card was used before being sold. It was then put up on auction sites listed as 'TCG Spectral Tiger Mount Card $250'! or something like that. The problem was that people were thinking they were buying a non-redeemed card that would get them a mount, when in fact they were only getting the card itself, discovering the code had already been redeemed.

So that's good news I guess. Personally, I haven't been a fan of the TCG mounts, but that's just me. 5000g or 10000g for a spectral tiger mount? Is that what we'll see spamming trade chat now? Who knows. Unless I see one for 1000g or less, I'll pass.
